The Kidz Dig It Club
The Kidz Dig It Club at the Windsor Certified Farmers Market is for pre-school age kids up to 12 yrs old. (Kids will use small knives and graters to prepare produce and will be close to food processors.) Kids learn how to play with their food and how fun it is to make healthy eating choices. Kids meet their local farmers and see where their food comes from.
New Club members can sign up at Market Info Table by registering with Child’s name, parents name and contact email for monthly cooking class reminders. Club members learn responsibility when they are given a Market Shopping Bag at time of registration. When a child returns to the Market Information Table each week with their bag they receive $2 in Kidz Bucks to spend at the Market on fresh fruits and veggies. Kidz can decorate their bags, color activity sheets and play checkers with a family member each week at the Market eating tables.
Kidz Dig It cooking classes focus on recipes that kids can make themselves using local produce and healthy meats and grains. This gives them healthy alternatives for afternoon snacks. Recipes are available and we encourage parents to keep ingredients in the house that give your child the choice to cook instead of reaching for processed chips and cookies.
A schedule of Kidz Dig It Cooking Classes and Event activities for Kidz is listed below.
Cooking Classes are 10:30 to 11:30 in the Town Green East Pavilion or Sparks Stage. Kidz learn to play with their food, meet their farmers and learn where their food comes from. They prepare simple recipes they can cook themselves and then time to munch out!
Instructor Terah Simeone – Terah is the Culinary Instructor at the new Windsor Middle School Vineyard Academy Program. Part of the FCCLA, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. She will be guiding the WMS Culinary Students as they teach classes throughout the season with a strong emphasis on fun with cooking.
2024 Kidz Dig It Calendar
April 28 Kidz Day on the Farm – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class, planting and farming activities
May 12 Mother’s Day Tea Party – Kidz Dig It Flower Arranging with Windsor Garden Club
June 16 Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast with Kiwanis – Kidz Dig It Painted Rocks for Dad
July 14 Market’s 23rd Birthday – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class
Aug 25 Zucchini Festival – 24th Annual – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class, Veggie Art Contest, Zuke Car Racing at 11:00 (see car building instructions)
Sept 22 Tomato & Art Fest with Windsor Art Commission, Kidz Art painting
Oct 27 Pumpkin Jamboree – 24th Annual – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class, Pumpkin Decorating, Make a Scarecrow to take home
Nov 24 Thanksgiving Tastings & Recipes – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class
Kidz Dig It Activities
April 28 Kidz Day on the Farm – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class, planting and farming activities
May 12 Mother’s Day Tea Party – Kidz Dig It Flower Arranging with Windsor Garden Club
June 16 Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast with Kiwanis – Kidz Dig It Painted Rocks for Dad
July 14 Market’s 23rd Birthday – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class
Aug 25 Zucchini Festival – 24th Annual – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class, Veggie Art Contest, Zuke Car Racing at 11:00 (see car building instructions)
Sept 22 Tomato & Art Fest with Windsor Art Commission, Kidz Art painting
Oct 27 Pumpkin Jamboree – 24th Annual – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class, Pumpkin Decorating, Make a Scarecrow to take home
Nov 24 Thanksgiving Tastings & Recipes – Kidz Dig It Cooking Class
Zucchini Car Specs
The Windsor Market Raceway is a custom built wooden gravity track, built for the Market by Thiessen Construction carpenters in 2001. The track has 4 lanes and is 25′ long. The cars begin perched in their lanes against pegs 3′ above the ground. When the pegs are released, the cars drop down the track and and coast to the finish line. The driver places the car on the pegs and then runs to the finish line to catch their car. The race is a double-elimination, best out of 3 for each heat. That means each car races a minimum of 6 times. Trophies for all car builders, ribbons and Market Bucks for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Car Designer Award to Best car design. Watch event information for race times and potential car building workshops.
1. Car can be made out of a Zucchini or Summer Squash.
2. Axles of car must travel through the Squash(s). (A squash sitting on wheels is not permitted.)
3. Car can be a maximum of 11″ wide to fit in the lanes.
4. Car can be a maximum of 20″ long to travel down steep gravity track.
Hints: Choose tires that don’t cause friction,
use a straw shape rod through the squash first to allow axle to spin freely inside,
check that car rolls as straight as possible and make sure base is wide enough to support squash.